DCatalog Analytics

DCatalog Analytics

DCatalog Analytics are laid out in sections just like Google Analytics. When you log into your DCatalog Dashboard and click Analytics, you will arrive on the Dashboard page. See the Dashboard Overview below:

Dashboard Overview

At-A-Glance Overview

It shows you an at-a-glance overview of items such as the:
1. Visits Log - a log of all the visits for the day.
2. Visits Overview - an overview of all the information about the visits, such as duration and actions.
3. Visitor Map -  a visual map of where your visitors are coming from.
4. Visits Over Time -  visits over time.
5. Channel Type - the type of channels where the visitors come from.
5. Movers and Shakers - a log of the most impactful content.

Select Template & Edition

From the general overview, you can click on each tab. But, first, you will need to select your template and edition.

To navigate, you will first need to choose the template:

Then, the edition that you want to check:

Finally, you will need to choose the date range.

Specific Tabs

If you click on Specific tabs, such as Page View or Events, you will specific data for each view. We will go over that now.

Page View

Page View contains Visits Over Time and Visits Overview. This corresponds to the date range you set up as you pulled the specific template and edition. It supplies data, such as how many visits over time, how many visitors, the average time they stayed, the percentage who have bounced, and unique page views. 

It will also show you keywords searched, what links were clicked on, and if the visitor downloaded anything. Click on each section in Visits Overview to see the data displayed in the Visits Over Time chart.

What Are Page Views?

Every time an edition, or page, is opened in a browser, whether it has been cached or not, it generates a page view. If a user presses the back button or refreshes the page/edition, a page view is counted as long as the tracking code is installed on the template where the edition resides. 

What Are Visits?

A visit is each user who accesses your edition. Each visit by a person can consist of multiple page views. A single person may have multiple visits over days or months. Once a website visitor closes the browser, the visit is considered over.

What Are Unique Visitors? What Are New Visitors?

Every edition with DCatalog is set under a template attached to a unique ID. When a user visits your edition, the unique ID caches their browser. DCatalog Analytics scans for this ID to determine if this is a “Unique Visitor” or a “Returning Visitor”. If no ID matches are found, a new ID is set. It’s important to note that a user who clears their cache, uses multiple browsers, or shares a computer will show up inaccurately. The percentage of “New” visitors are also calculated this way.

What is the Bounce Rate?

A strategically placed link can generate a lot of traffic to your edition. However, once visitors reach your edition, tracking how they interact with your content is very important and a key feature of Analytics. A visitor who lands on your edition, views only one page, then exits is called a “Bounce”. Generally a bounce occurs when someone comes to your edition and either 1) immediately finds what they want, then leaves or 2) thinks the content is not relevant to their needs and leaves.

Geo Tab

Geo is the map. This is a visual representation of your visitors.

Device Tab

The Device tab shows you a breakdown of visitors by device. It contains a list of all possible devices, from desktop to tablet.

It records visits for anyone visiting for the first time. If they visit a page within your edition more than 30 minutes after their last page view, it will be recorded as a new visit.

Within the Device tab, you can open a segmented visits log:

The segmented visits log show visits by each device type according to each specific edition:

You can also click the Open Row Evolution:

This shows how metrics for each row change over time.

Events Tab

Events Tab is very important. This is where you will keep track of all events within your digital edition. 

Zoom In shows you who zoomed in on a page or item within your edition.

Toggle Single/Double Page View shows you if the page view was switched back and forth.

The Table of Contents shows how many times your users clicked on the TOC.

The Video Pop Up button shows how many times a video pop up was opened.

Open Image shows you how many times a user clicked on a pop up image to open it.

Open HTML Popup shows you how many times a user clicked on a html pop up  to open it.

Edition Views shows you how many views your edition got during the session.

Settings Key

At the bottom of the list of Views, you will see a Settings Key:

To get to the nitty gritty of your data, click on the Chart Icon:

You will see this pop up:

In the next section, we will go over the most important views of your data.


Insights provides data as to how edition views have increased or decreased over time.

Vertical or Pie Chart Graph

You can also choose to view your data as a vertical graph or a pie chart, depending on the visuals that you need. 

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