Stitchbook Technology

Stitchbook Technology

DCatalog’s Stitchbook Technology takes PDF personalization to the next-level.  Publish curated PDFs and presentations with pages from  your digital flipbooks or library.

How does it work?  

1. Select the desired flipbook or catalog from your admin account. 

2. Click on the Stitchbook button, once your edition is open:

Here is what the stitchbook section looks like when it is open:

3. Earmark the pages you want to use within the new stitched together flipbook.  The symbol will be either a circle, square or heart, like this: 

Mark one, or more, pages as needed. They will appear in the Stitchbook sidebar:

You can reorder or delete these pages in the sidebar by clicking and dragging them into place. 

      3a. Add a swath of pages by selecting the page range and clicking the add pages button:

4. Make your final page selections. If you need to start over, click Clear All Pages at the bottom of the sidebar:

5. Click Publish or Save as PDF, once your stitchbook is assembled. 

      5a. If you select Publish, a box will pop up asking you to title your stitchbook:

Click Publish after you name the document. You will receive a link to share the file:

You can click Open to access the link immediately, or choose Copy to Clipboard in order to share it in an email, on social media, or if you would like to embed it on your site.

      5b. If you select Save as PDF, the document will save as as PDF on your computer. 

Click View PDF to view the file.

6. Share your new stitched together flipbook with your audience and maximize marketing opportunities. 

If you want to view the document history of the stitchbooks you've created, simply click the History button: 

You can view the files you've created:

Delete, or copy the links as needed.

Finish your stitchbook over time! The technology saves stitched pages within your browser, so you can easily pick up where you left off and continue curating.  This feature makes  compiling, distributing and sharing personalized collateral a breeze. 

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