Stock images and GIF Hub

Stock images and GIF Hub

Now you can upload stock images or GIFs from our hub of saved images.

Open the multimedia manager:


Click the image icon under Tools:

The Import Image box will pop up, with several options to choose from. 

To locate the stock images, click the Stock Images tab:

Use the search feature to find different themes. For example, if you want to search for "love," or "mountains," type that into the search bar:

To locate the stock GIFs, click the Stock GIFs tab:

You can also search for particular GIFS using keywords in the search function.

To add the stock image or GIF you need, click on the image so it is highlighted in blue:

Then press Import at the bottom of the box:

Stock images and GIFs can be applied to both embed photo/slideshow as well as HTML pop up photo/slideshow.

Once you have imported an image, you will need to resize it by pinching at the corners and making it smaller.

Finally, place the resized image where you want it to be on the page.

Be sure to save all work before you exit.

Transparent Images

You can also make the images transparent.  Your image will upload in full color:

If you would like to make it transparent, adjust the opacity by navigating to Properties: Image and sliding the transparency bar:

Adjust the image to the desired opaqeness:

Remember to Save your work before your exit.

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