DCatalog | Troubleshooting | Knowledge Base
How do i activate my edition ?
Why i cant activate my edition
Replace pages show in progress
My account status is "Expired"
Why do I see white space in my edition?
Why did my edition colors change?
My Edition not found message
Cant see search result
What should be the size of my pdf?
my background image is blurry
Can you change the images that are shown in the gif image link?
Will my Table of Contents automatically update after Adding/Deleting Pages?
Can I copy Table of Contents from an earlier edition to a later edition?
How do i get to the admin portal?
What is the Replace Links Option?
How to Access my Google Analytics Info
Mobile View Display
Can you add internal bookmarks and export the pages with the bookmarks on them?
Is it possible to display tabs on the desktop version, but have them not display on the mobile view?
Is it possible to preview the mobile view before a document is live?
Why is my embedded flip book not in full screen?
Can I add text to a digital edition?
How long does it take to upload a PDF?
What is an Edition?
How do I adjust the Zoom Level?
Can I change my URL?
I have a PDF catalog that is 1.3GB. Could I convert it to a flipbook?
What do I do if it is an image and I can't link the PDF?
SMS Notifications
Why Am I Getting a 404 Error?
Is there a way to replace our current catalog file with a new one without changing the link address?
How to remove curl effects from pages?
How Do I Embed a GIF/ How do I insert gif Link with gif
how to embed gif link in email
How do I make my content fillable?
How Do I Use Movable Admin Windows?
Can I Export URL Links Within My PDF Download?
Can multiple team members work on a digital edition at one time?
How to add bookmarks within Adobe to automatically publish as a table of contents within DCatalog.
Will we need to add a new Google Analytics Connection for every new edition created?
How Do I Control the Link Highlight?
how do I set Default Link Color and opacity ( to the entire edition)
Can i select a different Link Color for different links (under the multimedia manager)
Why Can't I See My Catalog on My Website?
How to Change the Search Highlight Result Color
Why Won't My Autoplay Videos Play with Sound?
How to Use the Flipping Effects
How do you download a PDF from the online version?
How do I add .pdf links to a static PDF?
How do I add .pdf URL links to my flipbooks?
Do I need to make a new template each time I upload a PDF?
How can I download certain pages from the digital catalog?
Will my content display on a mobile view as it will on a desktop?