Let's walk you through each part of the My Editions section:
Search for edition titles within this search bar. Simply type in the name of the edition title you wish to find. This is helpful for anyone with a large amount of editions to find what they need, quickly.
Lists the edition title.
Lists the date/time when the edition was uploaded.
Lists the number of pages that the edition has.
Lists the template name.
A progress bar that shows the upload percentage.
Shows the status of the edition once it's uploaded.
Clicking on the
Links icon is how you access the links to share your edition.
This shows you a preview of your edition, so you can check it as you design it and see how the viewer will look for your audience. A tip is to click Preview as you start to design and refresh this tab as you go, so you can see the edits and changes in real time and adjust as needed.
Clicking on the Embed icon is how you access the
embed and
masking codes.
Active/Non active toggle switch
The active/non active toggle switch is how you
activate your edition. This turns on the link so you can share it with your audience. If you no longer need that link, toggle it off.
Schedule Editions
Clicking on the trashcan icon is how you
delete editions.
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